ms teams, feedback, recognition, motivation,

7 Ways Managers Can Support Their Employees at Work

Stas Kulesh
Stas Kulesh Follow
Nov 07, 2023 · 3 mins read
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It’s not just about ticking off tasks and hitting those deadlines anymore. These days, the spotlight is on managers who can create a positive work vibe, prioritize their team’s well-being, and crank up productivity. So, what’s the secret sauce to being a top manager in the here and now? In this article, we’ll break down seven super-effective ways supervisors can back their squads in today’s workplace.

What Makes a Great Manager in 2023?

In 2023, the manager gig is all about being versatile and wearing a lot of hats. A killer manager doesn’t just know the nitty-gritty of their team’s work but also excels in soft skills like communication, empathy, and adaptability. It’s less about bossing people around and more about empowering them to shine.

Here’s the 2023 manager starter pack:

Empathy: A modern manager understands the personal and professional challenges their employees face and provides support accordingly. They’re not just nodding along; they’re genuinely caring and listening up.

Clear Communication: Rock-solid communication is the foundation. A top manager makes sure everyone knows their roles and expectations while keeping those feedback lines wide open.

Adaptability: The world spins faster than ever, and so does the workplace. A top manager rolls with the punches, adapts to new tech and work styles, and stays chill.

Recognition and Feedback: People dig getting recognized for their hustle. A modern manager acknowledges the wins and drops some constructive feedback for that sweet growth.

Work-Life Balance: Balance is where it’s at. Managers make sure their peeps aren’t burning the candle at both ends and take well-being seriously.

7 Ways to Support Your Squad

  1. Recognition bots, such as Karma
    Karma bot is a game-changer, but how can you make the most of it? Encourage your team to actively use it to show appreciation. This can range from giving props for a job well done, thanking a colleague for their support, or recognizing someone’s creativity and problem-solving skills. Celebrate both big wins and small victories, creating a culture of recognition and gratitude.
  1. Professional Development Opportunities
    Show your squad that you’re invested in their growth by providing professional development opportunities. This could include access to courses, workshops, and conferences that align with their career goals.
  1. Mental Health Resources and Support
    Mental health is a significant aspect of overall well-being. Promote a stigma-free atmosphere where team members feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns. By addressing these challenges, you demonstrate that you genuinely care about their overall well-being.
  1. Flexible Work Arrangements
    In today’s world, flexibility is highly valued. Provide options for flexible work arrangements that cater to individual needs. This can include remote work opportunities, flexi-hours, or even compressed workweeks.
  1. Regular Team-Building Activities
    Plan diverse and engaging team-building activities and social events that cater to different preferences and interests. Whether it’s a volunteer day, a themed party, or a friendly competition, these activities help create strong team bonds.
  1. Feedback Loops and Constructive Criticism
    Regularly seek input from your team on how things are going, and actively address their concerns. Encourage them to share ideas for improvement and growth, and then act on these suggestions where feasible.
  1. Work-Life Integration Assistance
    Rather than a rigid separation of work and personal life, consider a more integrated approach. Offer support and resources to help your team harmonize their personal and professional responsibilities. This can include family-friendly policies, wellness programs, or on-site childcare facilities.

To Sum Up

Being a top manager in 2023 isn’t just about task lists and deadlines. It’s about creating a positive work environment, prioritizing well-being, and boosting productivity. The key to becoming a great manager is embracing versatility and honing those essential soft skills. It’s about understanding your team’s challenges, communicating clearly, adapting to change, recognizing their hard work, and valuing work-life balance.

Invest in your team, and they’ll invest in you. Your journey as a manager can be one heck of an adventure. With the right support, you’ll be crushing it in 2023 and beyond.

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Stas Kulesh
Stas Kulesh
Written by Stas Kulesh
Karma bot founder. I blog, play fretless guitar, watch Peep Show and run a digital design/dev shop in Auckland, New Zealand. Parenting too.