Managers are the backbone of successful operations, they not only steer teams toward achieving organizational goals but also play a critical role in employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Despite their pivotal role, recognition and motivation strategies for managers are often overlooked, leading to a disconnect that can affect overall company performance. In this article, we’ll explore how companies can best recognize and motivate their managers, using data-driven insights and practical strategies.

Do Managers Receive the Appreciation They Deserve?

Despite their significant responsibilities, managers often find themselves underappreciated. A 2023 study by Gallup found that only 35% of managers feel recognized for their work on a regular basis. This statistic reveals a worrying gap in acknowledgment, especially considering that managers are the linchpin between upper management and frontline employees. When managers don’t feel valued, it can lead to burnout, reduced productivity, and even high turnover rates.

Moreover, the same study highlighted that a staggering 64% of managers reported feeling more stressed than they did five years ago. The increasing pressure to meet both leadership expectations and team needs without adequate recognition can have detrimental effects on a manager’s well-being and performance. These findings underscore the urgent need for companies to rethink how they recognize and motivate their managerial staff.

How Often Are Managers Acknowledged?

The frequency of recognition is another critical factor. According to a survey by Workhuman in 2023, only 28% of managers receive recognition weekly, while 40% are acknowledged only a few times a year. This infrequency is a missed opportunity. Regular recognition has been shown to boost morale, increase job satisfaction, and improve overall performance. Yet, many organizations fail to implement consistent recognition practices, leaving managers feeling undervalued and disconnected from their accomplishments.

This lack of regular acknowledgment not only affects the managers themselves but also trickles down to the teams they lead. When managers aren’t recognized, their ability to effectively motivate and support their teams diminishes, which can lead to a decline in team performance and engagement. Consistent recognition is key to ensuring that managers feel appreciated and remain motivated to drive their teams towards success.

Why Leaders Must Prioritize Managerial Recognition

Why should leaders make a concerted effort to recognize and motivate managers? The answer lies in the profound impact that managerial satisfaction has on an organization. Managers who feel appreciated are more likely to be engaged, productive, and loyal to the company. This, in turn, positively affects the employees they manage, creating a ripple effect of engagement and productivity across the organization.

Leadership commitment to recognizing managers is not just about morale; it’s about driving business results. Engaged managers are 59% more likely to be engaged at work, and this engagement directly correlates with increased profitability, higher customer satisfaction, and lower turnover rates. By prioritizing manager recognition, leaders are investing in the overall health and success of the company.

Moreover, when leaders recognize managers, it sets a precedent for a culture of appreciation within the organization. It signals to all employees that their contributions are valued, encouraging a positive work environment where everyone feels motivated to give their best. Recognition should be seen as a strategic tool for fostering a thriving organizational culture.

11 Effective Strategies to Recognize and Motivate Managers

To effectively recognize and motivate managers, leaders need to go beyond generic praise and implement thoughtful, personalized strategies. Here are 11 ways to provide meaningful recognition to managers:

  1. Public Acknowledgment: Recognize managers in team meetings or company-wide communications. Public acknowledgment not only boosts the manager’s morale but also sets a positive example for the entire organization.

  2. Personalized Awards: Tailor recognition to the manager’s interests or achievements. For example, if a manager has successfully led a challenging project, consider giving them a reward that reflects their hard work, such as a customized plaque or a special experience.

  3. Development Opportunities: Offer managers opportunities for professional development, such as leadership training or advanced certifications. This not only recognizes their current contributions but also invests in their future growth.

  4. Flexible Work Arrangements: Show appreciation by offering flexible work options. Managers often work long hours, and the ability to manage their schedules can be a significant motivator.

  5. Peer Recognition Programs: Encourage peer-to-peer recognition within the management team. This fosters a supportive environment where managers feel valued by their colleagues.

  6. Executive Mentorship: Pair managers with senior leaders for mentorship opportunities. This not only provides recognition but also helps managers develop new skills and insights.

  7. Celebration of Milestones: Celebrate significant achievements or milestones, such as completing a major project or reaching a work anniversary. Mark these occasions with a special event or reward.

  8. Monetary Incentives: Financial rewards, such as bonuses or gift cards, can be a powerful form of recognition. Tying these rewards to specific achievements can further motivate managers to excel.

  9. Personalized Thank-You Notes: A handwritten note from a senior leader can be a simple yet effective way to recognize a manager’s hard work. It shows that their efforts are noticed and appreciated at the highest level.

  10. Career Advancement Opportunities: Recognize high-performing managers by promoting them or offering them more significant responsibilities. This not only motivates the individual manager but also sets a clear path for career growth within the company.

  11. Wellness Programs: Provide access to wellness programs or resources as a form of recognition. Managers often face high levels of stress, and supporting their well-being is a meaningful way to show appreciation.


Recognizing and motivating managers is not just a nice-to-have—it’s a business imperative. By implementing thoughtful recognition strategies, companies can ensure that their managers feel valued, motivated, and equipped to lead their teams effectively. This, in turn, drives better business outcomes and fosters a positive organizational culture.

To make manager recognition seamless and effective, consider using tools like Karma. Karma’s recognition bot helps companies build a culture of appreciation by making it easy to recognize and reward employees at all levels, including managers. By integrating Karma into your recognition strategy, you can ensure that your managers receive the acknowledgment they deserve, keeping them motivated and engaged in their critical roles.

Try out Karma for Slack with our demo and subscribe to your 30-day free trial: